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Options and Upgrades

Options and Upgrades

Nikon takes great pride in creating some of the most reliable steppers and scanners in the world. But part of being the best is always pushing to be better. Therefore, we continue to offer many new and innovative individual options and upgrades designed to:

  • Boost throughput and yield
  • Reduce cost of ownership
  • Enhance performance baselines
  • Decrease maintenance tasks and time
  • Increase uptime


Many of these options and upgrades are compatible with various Nikon model types to provide exciting potential for continuous improvements across your facility. Searching is as easy as 1-2-3!

  1. Click on the tab of the Tool Type you are interested in.
  2. Select the Category of the Options you’d like to learn about. (Or set as “All” to see the full set of offerings for that Tool Type.)
  3. You can also hover over a specific option to display a brief definition of the function or use the search function to display functions related to your area of interest.

We also invite you to contact your Nikon representative or email to discuss offerings to meet your specific performance and productivity objectives.

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Tool Type: Immersion
Tool Type: DryArF
Tool Type: KrF
Tool Type: i-Line
Alignment Correction by Individual ShotFunction enables correction of position shift as well as linear terms for each shot ID, thereby enhancing overlay accuracy. Xmag control capabilities are also supported for certain NSR systems.Alignment & Overlay
Alignment Optimization (Teaching Function)Enhances wafer alignment by deriving the optimal value from a pilot wafer and sets the value default for the appropriate recipe automatically. Later, when the recipe is selected, wafer alignment will be performed using the saved value.Alignment & Overlay
Compatible Wafer Shape RecognitionEnhances pre-alignment performance when using wafers with irregular roundness.Alignment & Overlay
Custom Reticle Elasticity Enhancement (c-RE)Measures reticle heating and cooling behavior and enables advanced compensation for optimal reticle elasticity control. Shift, mag, and other modes supported for certain NSRs.Alignment & Overlay
Distortion Matching by Reticle Stage (DIMARS)Improves overlay by providing enhanced compensation for shot shape differences using the reticle stage. Can compensate for various shot signatures including diamond, fan, and riverflow.Alignment & Overlay
EGA Results AveragingAverages measurement results in multiple EGA steps and then uses them in exposure as the final EGA result. Beneficial for processes where alignment of the current layer back to multiple previously exposed layers is critical.Alignment & Overlay
Exposure Shot Array Correction FunctionIn the event of residual shot array distortion, this software function will correct the shot array on each scan direction and each stepping direction during wafer exposure.Alignment & Overlay
Evaluation EGAEnables NSR to evaluate various alignment conditions by executing multiple EGA steps in parallel, each with different measurement shots, marks, and other conditions, and then compares results obtained in each EGA step.Alignment & Overlay
FIA Focus Optimization (FFO)FFO enhances alignment by optimizing the FIA focus offset automatically at each lot, ensuring that the alignment marks are viewed as clearly as possible by the NSR. FFO parameters are specified within the process program.Alignment & Overlay
Grid Compensation for Matching (GCM)Detects the non-linear error components in the shot array and minimizes those error factors, resulting in enhanced overlay. GCM is designed to improve overlay matching between NSRs of the same model type as well as across model types, and to layers exposed other scanner types.Alignment & Overlay
Grid Factor Feeding (GFF)Optional add-on to GCM that provides shot by shot distortion correction. Wafer correction factors determined during EGA are used to correct shot shape issues due to wafer deformation.Alignment & Overlay
Matching and Overlay Effective Enhancement (MOEE)Improves stepping accuracy by enhancing corrections for the system’s specific characteristics. This function can yield significant improvements to overlay accuracy and matching.Alignment & Overlay
Overlay Evaluation Program (OLEV)OLEV allows performance of vital alignment optimizations on an offline PC. OLEV software is offered in single, 5 key, and 10 key kits to best meet individual fab requirements.Alignment & Overlay
Reticle Elasticity Evaluation Software (RECELA)Calculates optimized parameters to compensate for reticle heating/expansion. Parameters may be reticle-specific depending on transmission and exposure conditions. Optimized parameters may be sent to each scanner via network.Alignment & Overlay
Super Distortion Matching (SDM)Incorporates powerful shot distortion correction capabilities to eliminate differences in shot shapes that arise between layers to optimize mix-and-match overlay. Correction for k7, k12, k13 is included; options for k9, k17, k18, as well as k15, k27, and k39 correction capabilities are available as an add-on for some NSRs.Alignment & Overlay
Zeroing XYPerforms automated periodic machine calibrations and machine-specific grid corrections to further enhance overlay stability.Alignment & Overlay
CDU SimulatorEnhances CD uniformity by providing optimization capabilities that enable the scanner to correct for other process window detractors. Provides high-order dose and focus adjustments to reduce residual CD errors both across the shot and across the wafer.Imaging
Changing Maximum Number of AF SensorsPreviously, 3 columns of AF sensor elements could be arranged when the maximum number of AF sensor elements was 9. This function enables 4 columns with a maximum of 12 elements.Imaging
Chip Focusing on the Partial ShotSupports dividing a single shot down to the chip level, and enables chip-specific focusing and leveling settings. Enables optimal focusing independent of the surface deformation of non-product chips.Imaging
Continuous DOF Expansion Procedure (CDP)Software functions by tilting the wafer along the scanning direction, while continuously moving the wafer stage upward or downward during exposure. Sometimes referred to as “focus drilling”, this method has been shown to increase DOF for contact hole features without impacting throughput.Imaging
Contrast FocusUsed to determine best focus as well as tilts, focus curvature and total focus deviation. Patterns are exposed using varied focus, and the resultant matrix is measured with FIA. Requires the CF reticle to evaluate.Imaging
Customizing Illumination UniformityEnables the user to customize illumination conditions with illumination uniformity shape.Imaging
DOF Expansion Procedure (DP)Exposure is executed by changing the wafer stage position in Z (vertical direction) over a specified range, centered around best focus. This technique, most effective for contact holes, provides a wider DOF compared to using standard fixed focus for stepping systems.Imaging
Dynamic Correction for Each Reticle by Stage Control (DCRS)DCRS is able to compensate for the distortion of the specific production reticle to improve accuracy. DCRS functionality requires the DIMG and DIMARS functions.Imaging
Dynamic Image Plane Correction (DIMG)Enhances imaging by compensating for dynamic image plane Z-axis distortion using 27 (3x9 array) offset correction points.Imaging
Environmental Contamination Prevention Filter OptionsSF140/SF150/SF155 - IU Filter Unit (FU) for Clean Dry Air (CDA), Chemical Filter for Lamp House, Chemical Filter for Outside Air (OA), SA and CATC (Column Air Temperature Control) to minimize the effect of fab contamination.Imaging
Exposure Dose Change for Specific Shot (also known as Shot-by-Shot Exposure Condition Setting)Use this function to compensate for process variation with the flexibility to define exposure parameters (dose/focus/leveling offsets, etc.) for up to 255 individual shots per process program.Imaging
FIA Overdose (FIA-OD) SoftwareThis technique can be used to monitor best focus and total focus deviation. Patterns are exposed with varied dose and focus, and the resultant matrix is measured with FIA. Function requires the OD reticle to evaluate.Imaging
Field Curvature Correction with DIMGEnhances imaging by compensating for dynamic image plane Z-axis distortion using 27 (3x9 array) offset correction points.Imaging
Flare Measurement for Outside Exposure AreaEnables measurement of the amount of flare outside the area being exposed.Imaging
Infrared Aberration Control (IAC)Mechanism to correct for non-symmetrical lens heating that can occur when using dipole illumination, thereby avoiding potential astigmatism effects.Imaging
Intelligent Lens Controller (LC)Measures thermal aberrations every few wafers during the lot. Thermal calibration is performed, and scanner parameters are fine-tuned and then used for subsequent lots to minimize thermal aberration effects.Imaging
Laser Spectral E95 Control CymerUsed to monitor/control variation in spectral bandwidth (E95%) to within a certain range. Functions can increase image contrast stability by minimizing bandwidth variation caused by differences in operating frequencies, duty cycles and by individual differences in lasers.Imaging
Laser Spectral E95 Control GigaUsed to monitor/control variation in spectral bandwidth (E95%) to within a certain range. Functions can increase image contrast stability by minimizing bandwidth variation caused by differences in operating frequencies, duty cycles and by individual differences in lasers.Imaging
Lens Flare MeasurementMeasures projection lens flare using the illumination uniformity sensor to directly measure evaluation reticle marks projected on the wafer stage. Function requires the Flare Reticle to evaluate.Imaging
Lens Flare Measurement by AIS SensorMeasures projection lens flare using the AIS system to deliver the enhanced accuracy required for leading-edge scanners.Imaging
Line Filter UnitsFilters the air or N2 line from the facility to the scanner.Imaging
Multiple Exposure Self-Measurement Program (MX-SMP)SMP package allows the user to run and measure the following tests otherwise measured by CD-SEM or ECD: best focus (up to 35 points), focus tilts and curvature, TFD, process and dose monitoring, and ACLV evaluation (following initial calibration to SEM measurements). Use of SMP requires a MX-SMP reticle and LSA option to execute the measurements.Imaging
OPE Optimizer (formerly known as OPE Master)Optimizes imaging parameters to minimize optical proximity error between a reference scanner and the one to be adjusted. OPE Optimizer uses customer test-pattern data and scanner adjustments to provide illumination condition matching for aligning performance across a fleet of scanners.Imaging
Optimized Dose Control (ODC)Improves CD uniformity within the shot by dose correction through the scan. Each shot on the wafer can have a different dose offset and slope. This capability will minimize CD variation caused by processing.Imaging
POLANO – Advanced Polarization ControlAdditional hardware unit that provides enhanced image contrast at ultra-high and hyper numerical apertures delivering maximum process latitude, enhanced DOF and optimum line width roughness.Imaging
Reticle BendingUsed to correct for curved reticles and any residual field curvature, in order to enhance imaging performance.Imaging
Reticle CR-Edge AIS Focus MeasurementEnables AIS focus measurement even using reticles excluding the AIS marks.Imaging
Reticle Peripheral CheckDetects particles between the loaded reticle and the platen of reticle holder in order to avoid defocused wafer exposure. Functionality requires the DIMG function.Imaging
Scanner Enhanced Field Focusing by Focus Mapping (SEFF-M)Maps the shot geometry and applies within shot z-offsets according to the map to enhance imaging performance.Imaging
Stage Performance Tuning Function (SPTF – also known as SPETU)Hardware and software option to improve scanning MSD beyond specified levels and enhance line width uniformity. SPTF enables the user to operate the NSR at the optimum scanning conditions for either the standard mode (max scan speed), or in precision mode (half speed), on a process program-specific basis.Imaging
Weighted FocusingIf there is a large change (such as in surface height) at the extremes of the wafer focusing range, focusing might not be performed optimally. Instead, weighted focusing enables the focusing result to be multiplied by the weight automatically calculated by the NSR to enhance focusing accuracy despite large changes.Imaging
Zeroing AFPerforms automated periodic machine calibration that enhance scanner stability with machine-specific autofocus (AF) corrections.Imaging
Zeroing DISAutomated function to enhance scanner stability.Imaging
Automatic Reticle AssignmentUsing the barcode reader, software automatically registers the reticle name in the RLAT (Reticle Library Assignment Table) once the reticle cases are inserted in the library. This functionality is included with the SMIF.Productivity & Efficiency
Dynamic Job Sequence (DJS)Essentially enables processing of multiple “sub” jobs as a single JOB. Using a DJS recipe, the execution order of “sub” jobs in the DJS JOB, as well as individual “sub” job parameters can be specified. When a DJS JOB is loaded after a DJS recipe has been specified, multiple “sub” jobs are loaded/executed both automatically and dynamically.Productivity & Efficiency
Extended Exposure Logfile Analysis FunctionUsing this software option, shots where synchronization accuracy, focus control residual errors, or dose errors exceed user-defined limits, are listed along with the reason they flagged. Function can be used to analyze and investigate exposure performance data for each lot.Productivity & Efficiency
Facilities Connection Box (FCB)FCB unit houses and converts the various facilities connections coming in from the customer and going out to the NSR, thereby streamlining the facilities connections requirements. Productivity & Efficiency
FILES CommandProvides a simple methodology for fast and accurate file transfer across NSRs within the fab. Software function incorporates user-friendly menus enabling easy and accurate file transfer across the fab. Also includes verification tasks.Productivity & Efficiency
High Throughput Mode (HTM)High throughput mode options for the S322F and S220D with productivity enhancements to best satisfy fab-specific objectives.Productivity & Efficiency
Individual Focus Correction Control Throughput ModeWhen different focus correction values are used in exposure of each shot (according to focus correction value IDs set in the recipe), the focus position is corrected electrically using the PSD signals. Reduces time required for focus position correction and enhances productivity.Productivity & Efficiency
Job CascadeImproves productivity by optimizing lot-to-lot overhead time. With Cascading software, first wafer change and reticle preparation for exposure Job 2 is able to occur prior to completion of exposure Job 1. Simultaneous activities significantly reduce time between Jobs.Productivity & Efficiency
Linked LithoTransfers wafer information such as substrate ID, between the track and the NSR at the time of wafer transfer. Manage wafer processing using a substrate ID shared by the track and the NSR, monitor the entire production process combining substrate location on the track and the NSR, etc.Productivity & Efficiency
Multi-Dose Control (MDC)Software function provides a means for the user to engage enhanced dose control functions (such as Exposure Dose Change for Specific Shot) with minimal throughput implications, using stream-lined dose check sequence.Productivity & Efficiency
Multi-Dose Control Scan Speed UniformityImproves the total throughput by keeping a constant scan speed in multi-dose exposure.Productivity & Efficiency
Quick Reticle Change (QRC)Enables quick exchange of two reticles for double exposure applications without removing the wafer from the stage.Productivity & Efficiency
Reticle Particle Check Using Reference MapReticle particle check results are compared against the previously created reference map, and only new particles are judged. This smarter detection will reduce assist frequency and associated corrective measures.Productivity & Efficiency
SMP – Self Measurement ProcessUses HMF reticle for wafer exposure and then focus plane metrology is performed by the NSR using the LSA system.Productivity & Efficiency
Substitute Mark Search AlignmentWith this software function enabled, if search mark detection is unsuccessful using the standard mark, search alignment will automatically be measured again with the pre-defined substitute search mark.Productivity & Efficiency
Wafer Holder Particle Check by ScanningEnhances fab productivity and efficiency by providing a stream-lined method to identify wafer holder particles and their locations.Productivity & Efficiency
APC CommunicationCorrection value is calculated for each wafer (as compared to each lot), and instructions are sent to the NSR via the Machine Controller, which is located between the NSR and a host computer.Automation & System Management
Automatic Reticle TransportUsing RPMS, when controlling the reticle or POD, after transporting the POD to the load port, the reticle first requires ID check and MAP check before it can be used. This function performs those tasks automatically. GEM300 related.Automation & System Management
Data Acquisition System (DAS)System acquires machine information for leading-edge NSR systems that adheres to the EDA (Interface A) standards within the SEMI standards.Automation & System Management
Exposure Recipe Specification at Reticle TransferWhen a reticle transfer command (Transfer Reticle or EXAMINE) is executed, NSR automatically reads the conditions required for particle check or ID check within exposure recipe (sent by the Host or operator) and performs according to the conditions. Minimizes entry errors and loading on host systems.Automation & System Management
Extended Reticle LibraryHardware option to extend the reticle library to enable storage for additional reticles, thereby minimizing their exposure to fab environment. Each Stepper Extended Reticle Library supports an additional 10 reticles, whereas a Scanner Extended Reticle Library supports an additional 12 reticles. Not applicable with use of SMIF POD.Automation & System Management
Extended Wafer CarrierFor systems where the local carrier open wafer cassette is standard configuration and 200 mm left or right in-line is used: The system will come with one wafer carrier table standard and there is the option for an additional wafer carrier table. However, 200 mm front in-line and all 300 mm configurations support only one wafer carrier table.Automation & System Management
Front Opening Unified POD (FOUP) OpenerMechanical interface attached to the exposure tool that opens the FOUP and allows for wafers to be loaded and unloaded directly into the machine. Used for maintenance purposes only – customer wafers should be loaded through the coater/developer track.Automation & System Management
GEM Online Control System (GOCS)Communication control software layered on the NSR/MCSV machine software that allows NSR system operation to be automated and controlled by customer-developed host control system. NSR/GOCS supports SEMI E4 (SECS-I), SEMI E5 (SECS-II), SEMI E30 (GEM), and SEMI E37 (HSMS) specifications.Automation & System Management
GEM300: Carrier Management Service (CMS) Function - E87Supports SEMI E87 for GEM300 operations. CMS provides compliance for the reject carrier. Reject carrier is provided to unload abnormally processed wafers from the equipment, and has unique characteristics to perform its functions.Automation & System Management
GEM300: Process Job Management (PJM) Function - E40Supports SEMI E40 for GEM300 operations. PJM is concerned with the processing of materials (wafers), by the processing resource (NSR). Principle function is to ensure material delivered to the processing resource is processed with the correct recipe. Function enhances fab efficiency by reducing unnecessary rework due to erroneous processing. PJM functionality is supported by Job Cascade option.Automation & System Management
GEM300: Reticle and POD Management (RPMS) Function - E109Supports SEMI E109 for GEM300 operations. Describes the tracking function for the reticle’s state, or transportation state within the NSR. NSR is able to collect each reticle’s state using this service, and states are controlled using the Reticle State Model and the Reticle Location State Model.Automation & System Management
GEM300: Specification for Substrate Tracking (STS) Function - E90Supports SEMI E90 for GEM300 operations. STS provides information on wafer’s processing state, or transportation state within the NSR. NSR can collect each wafer’s state using this service, and states are controlled using the Substrate Tracking State Model and/or the Substrate Location State Model.Automation & System Management
Inline Reject SignalWhen transporting rejected wafers from the NSR to the coater/developer track, this function adds a signal to the communication between the tools to indicate that the wafer is rejected, distinguishing it from properly exposed wafers.Automation & System Management
Nikon NEST SystemsNikon offers several NEST systems to support a variety of NSR steppers and scanners. NEST is a Windows-based system that incorporates a variety of new functions and capabilities.Automation & System Management
Online Control Software OCSVOptimizes fab efficiency by controlling MCSV-based NSRs’ operation via communication with the customer’s host computer.Automation & System Management
Online Control Software OCSWOptimizes fab efficiency by controlling NSR operation via communication with the customer’s host computer. OCSW software provides GEM300 functionalities as follows: PJM, STS, CMS and RPMS. Only applicable to NSRs using MCSW main software.Automation & System Management
Parameter Manager (PM)Used for NSR recipe file and system parameter maintenance. Also serves as the control system for the CDU Simulator function.Automation & System Management
Particle Check Auto Assist Function (Requires SEMI E109 -RPMS)If an operator assist occurs at result judgment during Loading Check/Unloading Check, function will automatically perform assist processing according to system parameter settings. GEM300 related.Automation & System Management
Process Program Distribution System X (PPDSX)Recipe management system for MCS2, MCSV, and MCSW Nikon steppers and scanners up to SF15x and Sx10 model types, which makes it quick and easy to create and edit recipes outside of the cleanroom with operations like those performed at the NSR itself. Powerful Windows Server® 2012-based standalone system.Automation & System Management
Recipe Parameter Tool (RPT)Can be added on to PPDSX - RPT can compare critical recipe settings for MCS2, MCSV, and MCSW systems, and readily highlight potential issues.Automation & System Management
Remote Control Station (RCS) Link 2GImitates normal NSR operation, enabling operation of the main NSR control panel from a remote location. Can perform: MCSW operations (exposure, parameter setup, etc.), Error Handling and Manual Assist, and NSR Reset. RCS-Link 2G System utilizes a remote PC terminal enabling operation of up to 100 applicable NSR systems. Customer must purchase connection license and safety hardware for each NSR communicating with the RCS. Automation & System Management
Reticle Barcode Reading OptionsVariety of solutions offered to enable the barcode reader to accommodate diverse customer reticles to enhance fab flexibility. Please request information for specific model type of interest.Automation & System Management
Reticle Type Platen CleanerA wireless platen cleaner that can be automatically transferred onto the platen. Manual platen cleaning can be time-consuming. The automatically transferred platen cleaner system reduces cleaning time and improves NSR availability. Productivity & Efficiency
SMIFSMIF ports are installed in place of the reticle library as an interface for reticle transport. Single POD (1 slot) and Multi POD types (6 slot) are available. E109 must be implemented.Automation & System Management
SMIF POD Tag ReaderReading and collation of the POD ID information is performed automatically by the SMIF Tag Reader. Tag Reader options include: Omron with Omron Read/Write, TIRIS with Omron Read/Write, TIRIS with ASYST Read/Write.Automation & System Management
Sub-Recipe File ManagementTo avoid incorrect wafer processing, function prevents use of sub recipes on non-applicable NSRs. Also verifies appropriate file version is being used.Automation & System Management
Sub-Recipe File TransferEnables transfer of external exposure condition files in the same way as the upload/download function of the recipes.Automation & System Management
Task SchedulerAutomatically executes various calibrations, as well as system and laser status checks, according to predetermined schedule. Tasks include AF Sensor Plane Calibration, Illumination Uniformity Calibration, and Automatic Gas Refill, etc.Automation & System Management
Wafer Forced UnloadUsed to unload wafers that remain inside the NSR to the track after shutting down and rebooting the track.Automation & System Management
Wafer Table Automatic Cleaner SystemEnables wafer holder to be cleaned without having to be removed. Compared to manual cleaning, enables significantly quicker cleaning. Various solutions are available.Automation & System Management
Alignment Correction by Individual ShotFunction enables correction of position shift as well as linear terms for each shot ID, thereby enhancing overlay accuracy. Xmag control capabilities are also supported for certain NSR systems.Alignment & Overlay
Alignment Optimization (Teaching Function)Enhances wafer alignment by deriving the optimal value from a pilot wafer and sets the value default for the appropriate recipe automatically. Later, when the recipe is selected, wafer alignment will be performed using the saved value.Alignment & Overlay
Compatible Wafer Shape RecognitionEnhances pre-alignment performance when using wafers with irregular roundness.Alignment & Overlay
Custom Reticle Elasticity Enhancement (c-RE)Measures reticle heating and cooling behavior and enables advanced compensation for optimal reticle elasticity control. Shift, mag, and other modes supported for certain NSRs.Alignment & Overlay
Distortion Matching by Reticle Stage (DIMARS)Improves overlay by providing enhanced compensation for shot shape differences using the reticle stage. Can compensate for various shot signatures including diamond, fan, and riverflow.Alignment & Overlay
EGA Results AveragingAverages measurement results in multiple EGA steps and then uses them in exposure as the final EGA result. Beneficial for processes where alignment of the current layer back to multiple previously exposed layers is critical.Alignment & Overlay
Exposure Shot Array Correction FunctionIn the event of residual shot array distortion, this software function will correct the shot array on each scan direction and each stepping direction during wafer exposure.Alignment & Overlay
Evaluation EGAEnables NSR to evaluate various alignment conditions by executing multiple EGA steps in parallel, each with different measurement shots, marks, and other conditions, and then compares results obtained in each EGA step.Alignment & Overlay
FIA Focus Optimization (FFO)FFO enhances alignment by optimizing the FIA focus offset automatically at each lot, ensuring that the alignment marks are viewed as clearly as possible by the NSR. FFO parameters are specified within the process program.Alignment & Overlay
Grid Compensation for Matching (GCM)Detects the non-linear error components in the shot array and minimizes those error factors, resulting in enhanced overlay. GCM is designed to improve overlay matching between NSRs of the same model type as well as across model types, and to layers exposed other scanner types.Alignment & Overlay
Grid Factor Feeding (GFF)Optional add-on to GCM that provides shot by shot distortion correction. Wafer correction factors determined during EGA are used to correct shot shape issues due to wafer deformation.Alignment & Overlay
Matching and Overlay Effective Enhancement (MOEE)Improves stepping accuracy by enhancing corrections for the system’s specific characteristics. This function can yield significant improvements to overlay accuracy and matching.Alignment & Overlay
Overlay Evaluation Program (OLEV)OLEV allows performance of vital alignment optimizations on an offline PC. OLEV software is offered in single, 5 key, and 10 key kits to best meet individual fab requirements.Alignment & Overlay
Reticle Elasticity Evaluation Software (RECELA)Calculates optimized parameters to compensate for reticle heating/expansion. Parameters may be reticle-specific depending on transmission and exposure conditions. Optimized parameters may be sent to each scanner via network.Alignment & Overlay
Super Distortion Matching (SDM)Incorporates powerful shot distortion correction capabilities to eliminate differences in shot shapes that arise between layers to optimize mix-and-match overlay. Correction for k7, k12, k13 is included; options for k9, k17, k18, as well as k15, k27, and k39 correction capabilities are available as an add-on for some NSRs.Alignment & Overlay
Zeroing XYPerforms automated periodic machine calibrations and machine-specific grid corrections to further enhance overlay stability.Alignment & Overlay
CDU SimulatorEnhances CD uniformity by providing optimization capabilities that enable the scanner to correct for other process window detractors. Provides high-order dose and focus adjustments to reduce residual CD errors both across the shot and across the wafer.Imaging
Changing Maximum Number of AF SensorsPreviously, 3 columns of AF sensor elements could be arranged when the maximum number of AF sensor elements was 9. This function enables 4 columns with a maximum of 12 elements.Imaging
Chip Focusing on the Partial ShotSupports dividing a single shot down to the chip level, and enables chip-specific focusing and leveling settings. Enables optimal focusing independent of the surface deformation of non-product chips.Imaging
Continuous DOF Expansion Procedure (CDP)Software functions by tilting the wafer along the scanning direction, while continuously moving the wafer stage upward or downward during exposure. Sometimes referred to as “focus drilling”, this method has been shown to increase DOF for contact hole features without impacting throughput.Imaging
Contrast FocusUsed to determine best focus as well as tilts, focus curvature and total focus deviation. Patterns are exposed using varied focus, and the resultant matrix is measured with FIA. Requires the CF reticle to evaluate.Imaging
Customizing Illumination UniformityEnables the user to customize illumination conditions with illumination uniformity shape.Imaging
DOF Expansion Procedure (DP)Exposure is executed by changing the wafer stage position in Z (vertical direction) over a specified range, centered around best focus. This technique, most effective for contact holes, provides a wider DOF compared to using standard fixed focus for stepping systems.Imaging
Dynamic Correction for Each Reticle by Stage Control (DCRS)DCRS is able to compensate for the distortion of the specific production reticle to improve accuracy. DCRS functionality requires the DIMG and DIMARS functions.Imaging
Dynamic Image Plane Correction (DIMG)Enhances imaging by compensating for dynamic image plane Z-axis distortion using 27 (3x9 array) offset correction points.Imaging
Environmental Contamination Prevention Filter OptionsSF140/SF150/SF155 - IU Filter Unit (FU) for Clean Dry Air (CDA), Chemical Filter for Lamp House, Chemical Filter for Outside Air (OA), SA and CATC (Column Air Temperature Control) to minimize the effect of fab contamination.Imaging
Exposure Dose Change for Specific Shot (also known as Shot-by-Shot Exposure Condition Setting)Use this function to compensate for process variation with the flexibility to define exposure parameters (dose/focus/leveling offsets, etc.) for up to 255 individual shots per process program.Imaging
FIA Overdose (FIA-OD) SoftwareThis technique can be used to monitor best focus and total focus deviation. Patterns are exposed with varied dose and focus, and the resultant matrix is measured with FIA. Function requires the OD reticle to evaluate.Imaging
Field Curvature Correction with DIMGEnhances imaging by compensating for dynamic image plane Z-axis distortion using 27 (3x9 array) offset correction points.Imaging
Flare Measurement for Outside Exposure AreaEnables measurement of the amount of flare outside the area being exposed.Imaging
Infrared Aberration Control (IAC)Mechanism to correct for non-symmetrical lens heating that can occur when using dipole illumination, thereby avoiding potential astigmatism effects.Imaging
Intelligent Lens Controller (LC)Measures thermal aberrations every few wafers during the lot. Thermal calibration is performed, and scanner parameters are fine-tuned and then used for subsequent lots to minimize thermal aberration effects.Imaging
Laser Spectral E95 Control CymerUsed to monitor/control variation in spectral bandwidth (E95%) to within a certain range. Functions can increase image contrast stability by minimizing bandwidth variation caused by differences in operating frequencies, duty cycles and by individual differences in lasers.Imaging
Laser Spectral E95 Control GigaUsed to monitor/control variation in spectral bandwidth (E95%) to within a certain range. Functions can increase image contrast stability by minimizing bandwidth variation caused by differences in operating frequencies, duty cycles and by individual differences in lasers.Imaging
Lens Flare MeasurementMeasures projection lens flare using the illumination uniformity sensor to directly measure evaluation reticle marks projected on the wafer stage. Function requires the Flare Reticle to evaluate.Imaging
Lens Flare Measurement by AIS SensorMeasures projection lens flare using the AIS system to deliver the enhanced accuracy required for leading-edge scanners.Imaging
Line Filter UnitsFilters the air or N2 line from the facility to the scanner.Imaging
Multiple Exposure Self-Measurement Program (MX-SMP)SMP package allows the user to run and measure the following tests otherwise measured by CD-SEM or ECD: best focus (up to 35 points), focus tilts and curvature, TFD, process and dose monitoring, and ACLV evaluation (following initial calibration to SEM measurements). Use of SMP requires a MX-SMP reticle and LSA option to execute the measurements.Imaging
OPE Optimizer (formerly known as OPE Master)Optimizes imaging parameters to minimize optical proximity error between a reference scanner and the one to be adjusted. OPE Optimizer uses customer test-pattern data and scanner adjustments to provide illumination condition matching for aligning performance across a fleet of scanners.Imaging
Optimized Dose Control (ODC)Improves CD uniformity within the shot by dose correction through the scan. Each shot on the wafer can have a different dose offset and slope. This capability will minimize CD variation caused by processing.Imaging
POLANO – Advanced Polarization ControlAdditional hardware unit that provides enhanced image contrast at ultra-high and hyper numerical apertures delivering maximum process latitude, enhanced DOF and optimum line width roughness.Imaging
Reticle BendingUsed to correct for curved reticles and any residual field curvature, in order to enhance imaging performance.Imaging
Reticle CR-Edge AIS Focus MeasurementEnables AIS focus measurement even using reticles excluding the AIS marks.Imaging
Reticle Peripheral CheckDetects particles between the loaded reticle and the platen of reticle holder in order to avoid defocused wafer exposure. Functionality requires the DIMG function.Imaging
Scanner Enhanced Field Focusing by Focus Mapping (SEFF-M)Maps the shot geometry and applies within shot z-offsets according to the map to enhance imaging performance.Imaging
Stage Performance Tuning Function (SPTF – also known as SPETU)Hardware and software option to improve scanning MSD beyond specified levels and enhance line width uniformity. SPTF enables the user to operate the NSR at the optimum scanning conditions for either the standard mode (max scan speed), or in precision mode (half speed), on a process program-specific basis.Imaging
Weighted FocusingIf there is a large change (such as in surface height) at the extremes of the wafer focusing range, focusing might not be performed optimally. Instead, weighted focusing enables the focusing result to be multiplied by the weight automatically calculated by the NSR to enhance focusing accuracy despite large changes.Imaging
Zeroing AFPerforms automated periodic machine calibration that enhance scanner stability with machine-specific autofocus (AF) corrections.Imaging
Zeroing DISAutomated function to enhance scanner stability.Imaging
Automatic Reticle AssignmentUsing the barcode reader, software automatically registers the reticle name in the RLAT (Reticle Library Assignment Table) once the reticle cases are inserted in the library. This functionality is included with the SMIF.Productivity & Efficiency
Dynamic Job Sequence (DJS)Essentially enables processing of multiple “sub” jobs as a single JOB. Using a DJS recipe, the execution order of “sub” jobs in the DJS JOB, as well as individual “sub” job parameters can be specified. When a DJS JOB is loaded after a DJS recipe has been specified, multiple “sub” jobs are loaded/executed both automatically and dynamically.Productivity & Efficiency
Extended Exposure Logfile Analysis FunctionUsing this software option, shots where synchronization accuracy, focus control residual errors, or dose errors exceed user-defined limits, are listed along with the reason they flagged. Function can be used to analyze and investigate exposure performance data for each lot.Productivity & Efficiency
Facilities Connection Box (FCB)FCB unit houses and converts the various facilities connections coming in from the customer and going out to the NSR, thereby streamlining the facilities connections requirements. Productivity & Efficiency
FILES CommandProvides a simple methodology for fast and accurate file transfer across NSRs within the fab. Software function incorporates user-friendly menus enabling easy and accurate file transfer across the fab. Also includes verification tasks.Productivity & Efficiency
High Throughput Mode (HTM)High throughput mode options for the S322F and S220D with productivity enhancements to best satisfy fab-specific objectives.Productivity & Efficiency
Individual Focus Correction Control Throughput ModeWhen different focus correction values are used in exposure of each shot (according to focus correction value IDs set in the recipe), the focus position is corrected electrically using the PSD signals. Reduces time required for focus position correction and enhances productivity.Productivity & Efficiency
Job CascadeImproves productivity by optimizing lot-to-lot overhead time. With Cascading software, first wafer change and reticle preparation for exposure Job 2 is able to occur prior to completion of exposure Job 1. Simultaneous activities significantly reduce time between Jobs.Productivity & Efficiency
Linked LithoTransfers wafer information such as substrate ID, between the track and the NSR at the time of wafer transfer. Manage wafer processing using a substrate ID shared by the track and the NSR, monitor the entire production process combining substrate location on the track and the NSR, etc.Productivity & Efficiency
Multi-Dose Control (MDC)Software function provides a means for the user to engage enhanced dose control functions (such as Exposure Dose Change for Specific Shot) with minimal throughput implications, using stream-lined dose check sequence.Productivity & Efficiency
Multi-Dose Control Scan Speed UniformityImproves the total throughput by keeping a constant scan speed in multi-dose exposure.Productivity & Efficiency
Quick Reticle Change (QRC)Enables quick exchange of two reticles for double exposure applications without removing the wafer from the stage.Productivity & Efficiency
Reticle Particle Check Using Reference MapReticle particle check results are compared against the previously created reference map, and only new particles are judged. This smarter detection will reduce assist frequency and associated corrective measures.Productivity & Efficiency
SMP – Self Measurement ProcessUses HMF reticle for wafer exposure and then focus plane metrology is performed by the NSR using the LSA system.Productivity & Efficiency
Substitute Mark Search AlignmentWith this software function enabled, if search mark detection is unsuccessful using the standard mark, search alignment will automatically be measured again with the pre-defined substitute search mark.Productivity & Efficiency
Wafer Holder Particle Check by ScanningEnhances fab productivity and efficiency by providing a stream-lined method to identify wafer holder particles and their locations.Productivity & Efficiency
APC CommunicationCorrection value is calculated for each wafer (as compared to each lot), and instructions are sent to the NSR via the Machine Controller, which is located between the NSR and a host computer.Automation & System Management
Automatic Reticle TransportUsing RPMS, when controlling the reticle or POD, after transporting the POD to the load port, the reticle first requires ID check and MAP check before it can be used. This function performs those tasks automatically. GEM300 related.Automation & System Management
Data Acquisition System (DAS)System acquires machine information for leading-edge NSR systems that adheres to the EDA (Interface A) standards within the SEMI standards.Automation & System Management
Exposure Recipe Specification at Reticle TransferWhen a reticle transfer command (Transfer Reticle or EXAMINE) is executed, NSR automatically reads the conditions required for particle check or ID check within exposure recipe (sent by the Host or operator) and performs according to the conditions. Minimizes entry errors and loading on host systems.Automation & System Management
Extended Reticle LibraryHardware option to extend the reticle library to enable storage for additional reticles, thereby minimizing their exposure to fab environment. Each Stepper Extended Reticle Library supports an additional 10 reticles, whereas a Scanner Extended Reticle Library supports an additional 12 reticles. Not applicable with use of SMIF POD.Automation & System Management
Extended Wafer CarrierFor systems where the local carrier open wafer cassette is standard configuration and 200 mm left or right in-line is used: The system will come with one wafer carrier table standard and there is the option for an additional wafer carrier table. However, 200 mm front in-line and all 300 mm configurations support only one wafer carrier table.Automation & System Management
Front Opening Unified POD (FOUP) OpenerMechanical interface attached to the exposure tool that opens the FOUP and allows for wafers to be loaded and unloaded directly into the machine. Used for maintenance purposes only – customer wafers should be loaded through the coater/developer track.Automation & System Management
GEM Online Control System (GOCS)Communication control software layered on the NSR/MCSV machine software that allows NSR system operation to be automated and controlled by customer-developed host control system. NSR/GOCS supports SEMI E4 (SECS-I), SEMI E5 (SECS-II), SEMI E30 (GEM), and SEMI E37 (HSMS) specifications.Automation & System Management
GEM300: Carrier Management Service (CMS) Function - E87Supports SEMI E87 for GEM300 operations. CMS provides compliance for the reject carrier. Reject carrier is provided to unload abnormally processed wafers from the equipment, and has unique characteristics to perform its functions.Automation & System Management
GEM300: Process Job Management (PJM) Function - E40Supports SEMI E40 for GEM300 operations. PJM is concerned with the processing of materials (wafers), by the processing resource (NSR). Principle function is to ensure material delivered to the processing resource is processed with the correct recipe. Function enhances fab efficiency by reducing unnecessary rework due to erroneous processing. PJM functionality is supported by Job Cascade option.Automation & System Management
GEM300: Reticle and POD Management (RPMS) Function - E109Supports SEMI E109 for GEM300 operations. Describes the tracking function for the reticle’s state, or transportation state within the NSR. NSR is able to collect each reticle’s state using this service, and states are controlled using the Reticle State Model and the Reticle Location State Model.Automation & System Management
GEM300: Specification for Substrate Tracking (STS) Function - E90Supports SEMI E90 for GEM300 operations. STS provides information on wafer’s processing state, or transportation state within the NSR. NSR can collect each wafer’s state using this service, and states are controlled using the Substrate Tracking State Model and/or the Substrate Location State Model.Automation & System Management
Inline Reject SignalWhen transporting rejected wafers from the NSR to the coater/developer track, this function adds a signal to the communication between the tools to indicate that the wafer is rejected, distinguishing it from properly exposed wafers.Automation & System Management
Nikon NEST SystemsNikon offers several NEST systems to support a variety of NSR steppers and scanners. NEST is a Windows-based system that incorporates a variety of new functions and capabilities.Automation & System Management
Online Control Software OCSVOptimizes fab efficiency by controlling MCSV-based NSRs’ operation via communication with the customer’s host computer.Automation & System Management
Online Control Software OCSWOptimizes fab efficiency by controlling NSR operation via communication with the customer’s host computer. OCSW software provides GEM300 functionalities as follows: PJM, STS, CMS and RPMS. Only applicable to NSRs using MCSW main software.Automation & System Management
Parameter Manager (PM)Used for NSR recipe file and system parameter maintenance. Also serves as the control system for the CDU Simulator function.Automation & System Management
Particle Check Auto Assist Function (Requires SEMI E109 -RPMS)If an operator assist occurs at result judgment during Loading Check/Unloading Check, function will automatically perform assist processing according to system parameter settings. GEM300 related.Automation & System Management
Process Program Distribution System X (PPDSX)Recipe management system for MCS2, MCSV, and MCSW Nikon steppers and scanners up to SF15x and Sx10 model types, which makes it quick and easy to create and edit recipes outside of the cleanroom with operations like those performed at the NSR itself. Powerful Windows Server® 2012-based standalone system.Automation & System Management
Recipe Parameter Tool (RPT)Can be added on to PPDSX - RPT can compare critical recipe settings for MCS2, MCSV, and MCSW systems, and readily highlight potential issues.Automation & System Management
Remote Control Station (RCS) Link 2GImitates normal NSR operation, enabling operation of the main NSR control panel from a remote location. Can perform: MCSW operations (exposure, parameter setup, etc.), Error Handling and Manual Assist, and NSR Reset. RCS-Link 2G System utilizes a remote PC terminal enabling operation of up to 100 applicable NSR systems. Customer must purchase connection license and safety hardware for each NSR communicating with the RCS. Automation & System Management
Reticle Barcode Reading OptionsVariety of solutions offered to enable the barcode reader to accommodate diverse customer reticles to enhance fab flexibility. Please request information for specific model type of interest.Automation & System Management

Reticle Type Platen Cleaner

A wireless platen cleaner that can be automatically transferred onto the platen. Manual platen cleaning can be time-consuming. The automatically transferred platen cleaner system reduces cleaning time and improves NSR availability. Productivity & Efficiency
SMIFSMIF ports are installed in place of the reticle library as an interface for reticle transport. Single POD (1 slot) and Multi POD types (6 slot) are available. E109 must be implemented.Automation & System Management
SMIF POD Tag ReaderReading and collation of the POD ID information is performed automatically by the SMIF Tag Reader. Tag Reader options include: Omron with Omron Read/Write, TIRIS with Omron Read/Write, TIRIS with ASYST Read/Write.Automation & System Management
Sub-Recipe File ManagementTo avoid incorrect wafer processing, function prevents use of sub recipes on non-applicable NSRs. Also verifies appropriate file version is being used.Automation & System Management
Sub-Recipe File TransferEnables transfer of external exposure condition files in the same way as the upload/download function of the recipes.Automation & System Management
Task SchedulerAutomatically executes various calibrations, as well as system and laser status checks, according to predetermined schedule. Tasks include AF Sensor Plane Calibration, Illumination Uniformity Calibration, and Automatic Gas Refill, etc.Automation & System Management
Wafer Forced UnloadUsed to unload wafers that remain inside the NSR to the track after shutting down and rebooting the track.Automation & System Management
Wafer Table Automatic Cleaner SystemEnables wafer holder to be cleaned without having to be removed. Compared to manual cleaning, enables significantly quicker cleaning. Various solutions are available.Automation & System Management
Alignment Correction by Individual ShotFunction enables correction of position shift as well as linear terms for each shot ID, thereby enhancing overlay accuracy. Xmag control capabilities are also supported for certain NSR systems.Alignment & Overlay
Alignment Optimization (Teaching Function)Enhances wafer alignment by deriving the optimal value from a pilot wafer and sets the value default for the appropriate recipe automatically. Later, when the recipe is selected, wafer alignment will be performed using the saved value.Alignment & Overlay
Compatible Wafer Shape RecognitionEnhances pre-alignment performance when using wafers with irregular roundness.Alignment & Overlay
Custom Reticle Elasticity Enhancement (c-RE)Measures reticle heating and cooling behavior and enables advanced compensation for optimal reticle elasticity control. Shift, mag, and other modes supported for certain NSRs.Alignment & Overlay
Distortion Matching by Reticle Stage (DIMARS)Improves overlay by providing enhanced compensation for shot shape differences using the reticle stage. Can compensate for various shot signatures including diamond, fan, and riverflow.Alignment & Overlay
EGA Results AveragingAverages measurement results in multiple EGA steps and then uses them in exposure as the final EGA result. Beneficial for processes where alignment of the current layer back to multiple previously exposed layers is critical.Alignment & Overlay
Exposure Shot Array Correction FunctionIn the event of residual shot array distortion, this software function will correct the shot array on each scan direction and each stepping direction during wafer exposure.Alignment & Overlay
Evaluation EGAEnables NSR to evaluate various alignment conditions by executing multiple EGA steps in parallel, each with different measurement shots, marks, and other conditions, and then compares results obtained in each EGA step.Alignment & Overlay
FIA Focus Optimization (FFO)FFO enhances alignment by optimizing the FIA focus offset automatically at each lot, ensuring that the alignment marks are viewed as clearly as possible by the NSR. FFO parameters are specified within the process program.Alignment & Overlay
Grid Compensation for Matching (GCM)Detects the non-linear error components in the shot array and minimizes those error factors, resulting in enhanced overlay. GCM is designed to improve overlay matching between NSRs of the same model type as well as across model types, and to layers exposed other scanner types.Alignment & Overlay
Grid Factor Feeding (GFF)Optional add-on to GCM that provides shot by shot distortion correction. Wafer correction factors determined during EGA are used to correct shot shape issues due to wafer deformation.Alignment & Overlay
Matching and Overlay Effective Enhancement (MOEE)Improves stepping accuracy by enhancing corrections for the system’s specific characteristics. This function can yield significant improvements to overlay accuracy and matching.Alignment & Overlay
Overlay Evaluation Program (OLEV)OLEV allows performance of vital alignment optimizations on an offline PC. OLEV software is offered in single, 5 key, and 10 key kits to best meet individual fab requirements.Alignment & Overlay
Reticle Elasticity Evaluation Software (RECELA)Calculates optimized parameters to compensate for reticle heating/expansion. Parameters may be reticle-specific depending on transmission and exposure conditions. Optimized parameters may be sent to each scanner via network.Alignment & Overlay
Super Distortion Matching (SDM)Incorporates powerful shot distortion correction capabilities to eliminate differences in shot shapes that arise between layers to optimize mix-and-match overlay. Correction for k7, k12, k13 is included; options for k9, k17, k18, as well as k15, k27, and k39 correction capabilities are available as an add-on for some NSRs.Alignment & Overlay
Zeroing XYPerforms automated periodic machine calibrations and machine-specific grid corrections to further enhance overlay stability.Alignment & Overlay
CDU SimulatorEnhances CD uniformity by providing optimization capabilities that enable the scanner to correct for other process window detractors. Provides high-order dose and focus adjustments to reduce residual CD errors both across the shot and across the wafer.Imaging
Changing Maximum Number of AF SensorsPreviously, 3 columns of AF sensor elements could be arranged when the maximum number of AF sensor elements was 9. This function enables 4 columns with a maximum of 12 elements.Imaging
Chip Focusing on the Partial ShotSupports dividing a single shot down to the chip level, and enables chip-specific focusing and leveling settings. Enables optimal focusing independent of the surface deformation of non-product chips.Imaging
Continuous DOF Expansion Procedure (CDP)Software functions by tilting the wafer along the scanning direction, while continuously moving the wafer stage upward or downward during exposure. Sometimes referred to as “focus drilling”, this method has been shown to increase DOF for contact hole features without impacting throughput.Imaging
Contrast FocusUsed to determine best focus as well as tilts, focus curvature and total focus deviation. Patterns are exposed using varied focus, and the resultant matrix is measured with FIA. Requires the CF reticle to evaluate.Imaging
Customizing Illumination UniformityEnables the user to customize illumination conditions with illumination uniformity shape.Imaging
DOF Expansion Procedure (DP)Exposure is executed by changing the wafer stage position in Z (vertical direction) over a specified range, centered around best focus. This technique, most effective for contact holes, provides a wider DOF compared to using standard fixed focus for stepping systems.Imaging
Dynamic Correction for Each Reticle by Stage Control (DCRS)DCRS is able to compensate for the distortion of the specific production reticle to improve accuracy. DCRS functionality requires the DIMG and DIMARS functions.Imaging
Dynamic Image Plane Correction (DIMG)Enhances imaging by compensating for dynamic image plane Z-axis distortion using 27 (3x9 array) offset correction points.Imaging
Environmental Contamination Prevention Filter OptionsSF140/SF150/SF155 - IU Filter Unit (FU) for Clean Dry Air (CDA), Chemical Filter for Lamp House, Chemical Filter for Outside Air (OA), SA and CATC (Column Air Temperature Control) to minimize the effect of fab contamination.Imaging
Exposure Dose Change for Specific Shot (also known as Shot-by-Shot Exposure Condition Setting)Use this function to compensate for process variation with the flexibility to define exposure parameters (dose/focus/leveling offsets, etc.) for up to 255 individual shots per process program.Imaging
FIA Overdose (FIA-OD) SoftwareThis technique can be used to monitor best focus and total focus deviation. Patterns are exposed with varied dose and focus, and the resultant matrix is measured with FIA. Function requires the OD reticle to evaluate.Imaging
Field Curvature Correction with DIMGEnhances imaging by compensating for dynamic image plane Z-axis distortion using 27 (3x9 array) offset correction points.Imaging
Flare Measurement for Outside Exposure AreaEnables measurement of the amount of flare outside the area being exposed.Imaging
Infrared Aberration Control (IAC)Mechanism to correct for non-symmetrical lens heating that can occur when using dipole illumination, thereby avoiding potential astigmatism effects.Imaging
Intelligent Lens Controller (LC)Measures thermal aberrations every few wafers during the lot. Thermal calibration is performed, and scanner parameters are fine-tuned and then used for subsequent lots to minimize thermal aberration effects.Imaging
Laser Spectral E95 Control CymerUsed to monitor/control variation in spectral bandwidth (E95%) to within a certain range. Functions can increase image contrast stability by minimizing bandwidth variation caused by differences in operating frequencies, duty cycles and by individual differences in lasers.Imaging
Laser Spectral E95 Control GigaUsed to monitor/control variation in spectral bandwidth (E95%) to within a certain range. Functions can increase image contrast stability by minimizing bandwidth variation caused by differences in operating frequencies, duty cycles and by individual differences in lasers.Imaging
Lens Flare MeasurementMeasures projection lens flare using the illumination uniformity sensor to directly measure evaluation reticle marks projected on the wafer stage. Function requires the Flare Reticle to evaluate.Imaging
Lens Flare Measurement by AIS SensorMeasures projection lens flare using the AIS system to deliver the enhanced accuracy required for leading-edge scanners.Imaging
Line Filter UnitsFilters the air or N2 line from the facility to the scanner.Imaging
Multiple Exposure Self-Measurement Program (MX-SMP)SMP package allows the user to run and measure the following tests otherwise measured by CD-SEM or ECD: best focus (up to 35 points), focus tilts and curvature, TFD, process and dose monitoring, and ACLV evaluation (following initial calibration to SEM measurements). Use of SMP requires a MX-SMP reticle and LSA option to execute the measurements.Imaging
OPE Optimizer (formerly known as OPE Master)Optimizes imaging parameters to minimize optical proximity error between a reference scanner and the one to be adjusted. OPE Optimizer uses customer test-pattern data and scanner adjustments to provide illumination condition matching for aligning performance across a fleet of scanners.Imaging
Optimized Dose Control (ODC)Improves CD uniformity within the shot by dose correction through the scan. Each shot on the wafer can have a different dose offset and slope. This capability will minimize CD variation caused by processing.Imaging
POLANO – Advanced Polarization ControlAdditional hardware unit that provides enhanced image contrast at ultra-high and hyper numerical apertures delivering maximum process latitude, enhanced DOF and optimum line width roughness.Imaging
Reticle BendingUsed to correct for curved reticles and any residual field curvature, in order to enhance imaging performance.Imaging
Reticle CR-Edge AIS Focus MeasurementEnables AIS focus measurement even using reticles excluding the AIS marks.Imaging
Reticle Peripheral CheckDetects particles between the loaded reticle and the platen of reticle holder in order to avoid defocused wafer exposure. Functionality requires the DIMG function.Imaging
Scanner Enhanced Field Focusing by Focus Mapping (SEFF-M)Maps the shot geometry and applies within shot z-offsets according to the map to enhance imaging performance.Imaging
Stage Performance Tuning Function (SPTF – also known as SPETU)Hardware and software option to improve scanning MSD beyond specified levels and enhance line width uniformity. SPTF enables the user to operate the NSR at the optimum scanning conditions for either the standard mode (max scan speed), or in precision mode (half speed), on a process program-specific basis.Imaging
Weighted FocusingIf there is a large change (such as in surface height) at the extremes of the wafer focusing range, focusing might not be performed optimally. Instead, weighted focusing enables the focusing result to be multiplied by the weight automatically calculated by the NSR to enhance focusing accuracy despite large changes.Imaging
Zeroing AFPerforms automated periodic machine calibration that enhance scanner stability with machine-specific autofocus (AF) corrections.Imaging
Zeroing DISAutomated function to enhance scanner stability.Imaging
Automatic Reticle AssignmentUsing the barcode reader, software automatically registers the reticle name in the RLAT (Reticle Library Assignment Table) once the reticle cases are inserted in the library. This functionality is included with the SMIF.Productivity & Efficiency
Dynamic Job Sequence (DJS)Essentially enables processing of multiple “sub” jobs as a single JOB. Using a DJS recipe, the execution order of “sub” jobs in the DJS JOB, as well as individual “sub” job parameters can be specified. When a DJS JOB is loaded after a DJS recipe has been specified, multiple “sub” jobs are loaded/executed both automatically and dynamically.Productivity & Efficiency
Extended Exposure Logfile Analysis FunctionUsing this software option, shots where synchronization accuracy, focus control residual errors, or dose errors exceed user-defined limits, are listed along with the reason they flagged. Function can be used to analyze and investigate exposure performance data for each lot.Productivity & Efficiency
Facilities Connection Box (FCB)FCB unit houses and converts the various facilities connections coming in from the customer and going out to the NSR, thereby streamlining the facilities connections requirements. Productivity & Efficiency
FILES CommandProvides a simple methodology for fast and accurate file transfer across NSRs within the fab. Software function incorporates user-friendly menus enabling easy and accurate file transfer across the fab. Also includes verification tasks.Productivity & Efficiency
High Throughput Mode (HTM)High throughput mode options for the S322F and S220D with productivity enhancements to best satisfy fab-specific objectives.Productivity & Efficiency
Individual Focus Correction Control Throughput ModeWhen different focus correction values are used in exposure of each shot (according to focus correction value IDs set in the recipe), the focus position is corrected electrically using the PSD signals. Reduces time required for focus position correction and enhances productivity.Productivity & Efficiency
Job CascadeImproves productivity by optimizing lot-to-lot overhead time. With Cascading software, first wafer change and reticle preparation for exposure Job 2 is able to occur prior to completion of exposure Job 1. Simultaneous activities significantly reduce time between Jobs.Productivity & Efficiency
Linked LithoTransfers wafer information such as substrate ID, between the track and the NSR at the time of wafer transfer. Manage wafer processing using a substrate ID shared by the track and the NSR, monitor the entire production process combining substrate location on the track and the NSR, etc.Productivity & Efficiency
Multi-Dose Control (MDC)Software function provides a means for the user to engage enhanced dose control functions (such as Exposure Dose Change for Specific Shot) with minimal throughput implications, using stream-lined dose check sequence.Productivity & Efficiency
Multi-Dose Control Scan Speed UniformityImproves the total throughput by keeping a constant scan speed in multi-dose exposure.Productivity & Efficiency
Quick Reticle Change (QRC)Enables quick exchange of two reticles for double exposure applications without removing the wafer from the stage.Productivity & Efficiency
Reticle Particle Check Using Reference MapReticle particle check results are compared against the previously created reference map, and only new particles are judged. This smarter detection will reduce assist frequency and associated corrective measures.Productivity & Efficiency
SMP – Self Measurement ProcessUses HMF reticle for wafer exposure and then focus plane metrology is performed by the NSR using the LSA system.Productivity & Efficiency
Substitute Mark Search AlignmentWith this software function enabled, if search mark detection is unsuccessful using the standard mark, search alignment will automatically be measured again with the pre-defined substitute search mark.Productivity & Efficiency
Wafer Holder Particle Check by ScanningEnhances fab productivity and efficiency by providing a stream-lined method to identify wafer holder particles and their locations.Productivity & Efficiency
APC CommunicationCorrection value is calculated for each wafer (as compared to each lot), and instructions are sent to the NSR via the Machine Controller, which is located between the NSR and a host computer.Automation & System Management
Automatic Reticle TransportUsing RPMS, when controlling the reticle or POD, after transporting the POD to the load port, the reticle first requires ID check and MAP check before it can be used. This function performs those tasks automatically. GEM300 related.Automation & System Management
Data Acquisition System (DAS)System acquires machine information for leading-edge NSR systems that adheres to the EDA (Interface A) standards within the SEMI standards.Automation & System Management
Exposure Recipe Specification at Reticle TransferWhen a reticle transfer command (Transfer Reticle or EXAMINE) is executed, NSR automatically reads the conditions required for particle check or ID check within exposure recipe (sent by the Host or operator) and performs according to the conditions. Minimizes entry errors and loading on host systems.Automation & System Management
Extended Reticle LibraryHardware option to extend the reticle library to enable storage for additional reticles, thereby minimizing their exposure to fab environment. Each Stepper Extended Reticle Library supports an additional 10 reticles, whereas a Scanner Extended Reticle Library supports an additional 12 reticles. Not applicable with use of SMIF POD.Automation & System Management
Extended Wafer CarrierFor systems where the local carrier open wafer cassette is standard configuration and 200 mm left or right in-line is used: The system will come with one wafer carrier table standard and there is the option for an additional wafer carrier table. However, 200 mm front in-line and all 300 mm configurations support only one wafer carrier table.Automation & System Management
Front Opening Unified POD (FOUP) OpenerMechanical interface attached to the exposure tool that opens the FOUP and allows for wafers to be loaded and unloaded directly into the machine. Used for maintenance purposes only – customer wafers should be loaded through the coater/developer track.Automation & System Management
GEM Online Control System (GOCS)Communication control software layered on the NSR/MCSV machine software that allows NSR system operation to be automated and controlled by customer-developed host control system. NSR/GOCS supports SEMI E4 (SECS-I), SEMI E5 (SECS-II), SEMI E30 (GEM), and SEMI E37 (HSMS) specifications.Automation & System Management
GEM300: Carrier Management Service (CMS) Function - E87Supports SEMI E87 for GEM300 operations. CMS provides compliance for the reject carrier. Reject carrier is provided to unload abnormally processed wafers from the equipment, and has unique characteristics to perform its functions.Automation & System Management
GEM300: Process Job Management (PJM) Function - E40Supports SEMI E40 for GEM300 operations. PJM is concerned with the processing of materials (wafers), by the processing resource (NSR). Principle function is to ensure material delivered to the processing resource is processed with the correct recipe. Function enhances fab efficiency by reducing unnecessary rework due to erroneous processing. PJM functionality is supported by Job Cascade option.Automation & System Management
GEM300: Reticle and POD Management (RPMS) Function - E109Supports SEMI E109 for GEM300 operations. Describes the tracking function for the reticle’s state, or transportation state within the NSR. NSR is able to collect each reticle’s state using this service, and states are controlled using the Reticle State Model and the Reticle Location State Model.Automation & System Management
GEM300: Specification for Substrate Tracking (STS) Function - E90Supports SEMI E90 for GEM300 operations. STS provides information on wafer’s processing state, or transportation state within the NSR. NSR can collect each wafer’s state using this service, and states are controlled using the Substrate Tracking State Model and/or the Substrate Location State Model.Automation & System Management
Inline Reject SignalWhen transporting rejected wafers from the NSR to the coater/developer track, this function adds a signal to the communication between the tools to indicate that the wafer is rejected, distinguishing it from properly exposed wafers.Automation & System Management
Nikon NEST SystemsNikon offers several NEST systems to support a variety of NSR steppers and scanners. NEST is a Windows-based system that incorporates a variety of new functions and capabilities.Automation & System Management
Online Control Software OCSVOptimizes fab efficiency by controlling MCSV-based NSRs’ operation via communication with the customer’s host computer.Automation & System Management
Online Control Software OCSWOptimizes fab efficiency by controlling NSR operation via communication with the customer’s host computer. OCSW software provides GEM300 functionalities as follows: PJM, STS, CMS and RPMS. Only applicable to NSRs using MCSW main software.Automation & System Management
Parameter Manager (PM)Used for NSR recipe file and system parameter maintenance. Also serves as the control system for the CDU Simulator function.Automation & System Management
Particle Check Auto Assist Function (Requires SEMI E109 -RPMS)If an operator assist occurs at result judgment during Loading Check/Unloading Check, function will automatically perform assist processing according to system parameter settings. GEM300 related.Automation & System Management
Process Program Distribution System X (PPDSX)Recipe management system for MCS2, MCSV, and MCSW Nikon steppers and scanners up to SF15x and Sx10 model types, which makes it quick and easy to create and edit recipes outside of the cleanroom with operations like those performed at the NSR itself. Powerful Windows Server® 2012-based standalone system.Automation & System Management
Recipe Parameter Tool (RPT)Can be added on to PPDSX - RPT can compare critical recipe settings for MCS2, MCSV, and MCSW systems, and readily highlight potential issues.Automation & System Management
Remote Control Station (RCS) Link 2GImitates normal NSR operation, enabling operation of the main NSR control panel from a remote location. Can perform: MCSW operations (exposure, parameter setup, etc.), Error Handling and Manual Assist, and NSR Reset. RCS-Link 2G System utilizes a remote PC terminal enabling operation of up to 100 applicable NSR systems. Customer must purchase connection license and safety hardware for each NSR communicating with the RCS. Automation & System Management
Reticle Barcode Reading OptionsVariety of solutions offered to enable the barcode reader to accommodate diverse customer reticles to enhance fab flexibility. Please request information for specific model type of interest.Automation & System Management

Reticle Type Platen Cleaner

A wireless platen cleaner that can be automatically transferred onto the platen. Manual platen cleaning can be time-consuming. The automatically transferred platen cleaner system reduces cleaning time and improves NSR availability. Productivity & Efficiency
SMIFSMIF ports are installed in place of the reticle library as an interface for reticle transport. Single POD (1 slot) and Multi POD types (6 slot) are available. E109 must be implemented.Automation & System Management
SMIF POD Tag ReaderReading and collation of the POD ID information is performed automatically by the SMIF Tag Reader. Tag Reader options include: Omron with Omron Read/Write, TIRIS with Omron Read/Write, TIRIS with ASYST Read/Write.Automation & System Management
Sub-Recipe File ManagementTo avoid incorrect wafer processing, function prevents use of sub recipes on non-applicable NSRs. Also verifies appropriate file version is being used.Automation & System Management
Sub-Recipe File TransferEnables transfer of external exposure condition files in the same way as the upload/download function of the recipes.Automation & System Management
Task SchedulerAutomatically executes various calibrations, as well as system and laser status checks, according to predetermined schedule. Tasks include AF Sensor Plane Calibration, Illumination Uniformity Calibration, and Automatic Gas Refill, etc.Automation & System Management
Wafer Forced UnloadUsed to unload wafers that remain inside the NSR to the track after shutting down and rebooting the track.Automation & System Management
Wafer Table Automatic Cleaner SystemEnables wafer holder to be cleaned without having to be removed. Compared to manual cleaning, enables significantly quicker cleaning. Various solutions are available.Automation & System Management
Alignment Correction by Individual ShotFunction enables correction of position shift as well as linear terms for each shot ID, thereby enhancing overlay accuracy. Xmag control capabilities are also supported for certain NSR systems.Alignment & Overlay
Alignment Optimization (Teaching Function)Enhances wafer alignment by deriving the optimal value from a pilot wafer and sets the value default for the appropriate recipe automatically. Later, when the recipe is selected, wafer alignment will be performed using the saved value.Alignment & Overlay
Compatible Wafer Shape RecognitionEnhances pre-alignment performance when using wafers with irregular roundness.Alignment & Overlay
Crystal Orientation MatchingMeasure wafer edge with FIA and calculate wafer center and rotation (substitute for conventional Pre-alignment 2 function). Furthermore, crystal lattice matching is possible by performing angle correction based on OF reference.Alignment & Overlay
Custom Reticle Elasticity Enhancement (c-RE)Measures reticle heating and cooling behavior and enables advanced compensation for optimal reticle elasticity control. Shift, mag, and other modes supported for certain NSRs.Alignment & Overlay
Distortion Matching by Reticle Stage (DIMARS)Improves overlay by providing enhanced compensation for shot shape differences using the reticle stage. Can compensate for various shot signatures including diamond, fan, and riverflow.Alignment & Overlay
EGA Results AveragingAverages measurement results in multiple EGA steps and then uses them in exposure as the final EGA result. Beneficial for processes where alignment of the current layer back to multiple previously exposed layers is critical.Alignment & Overlay
Exposure Shot Array Correction FunctionIn the event of residual shot array distortion, this software function will correct the shot array on each scan direction and each stepping direction during wafer exposure.Alignment & Overlay
Evaluation EGAEnables NSR to evaluate various alignment conditions by executing multiple EGA steps in parallel, each with different measurement shots, marks, and other conditions, and then compares results obtained in each EGA step.Alignment & Overlay
FIA Focus Optimization (FFO)FFO enhances alignment by optimizing the FIA focus offset automatically at each lot, ensuring that the alignment marks are viewed as clearly as possible by the NSR. FFO parameters are specified within the process program.Alignment & Overlay
Grid Compensation for Matching (GCM)Detects the non-linear error components in the shot array and minimizes those error factors, resulting in enhanced overlay. GCM is designed to improve overlay matching between NSRs of the same model type as well as across model types, and to layers exposed other scanner types.Alignment & Overlay
Grid Factor Feeding (GFF)Optional add-on to GCM that provides shot by shot distortion correction. Wafer correction factors determined during EGA are used to correct shot shape issues due to wafer deformation.Alignment & Overlay
IR AlignmentUsing IR light (infrared light) as the detection light, the alignment mark on the back side of the wafer is observed through transmission from the top side of the wafer.Alignment & Overlay
Matching and Overlay Effective Enhancement (MOEE)Improves stepping accuracy by enhancing corrections for the system’s specific characteristics. This function can yield significant improvements to overlay accuracy and matching.Alignment & Overlay
Overlay Evaluation Program (OLEV)OLEV allows performance of vital alignment optimizations on an offline PC. OLEV software is offered in single, 5 key, and 10 key kits to best meet individual fab requirements.Alignment & Overlay
Precision ModeThis function provides the capability to improve overlay performance.Alignment & Overlay
Reticle Elasticity Evaluation Software (RECELA)Calculates optimized parameters to compensate for reticle heating/expansion. Parameters may be reticle-specific depending on transmission and exposure conditions. Optimized parameters may be sent to each scanner via network.Alignment & Overlay
Super Distortion Matching (SDM)Incorporates powerful shot distortion correction capabilities to eliminate differences in shot shapes that arise between layers to optimize mix-and-match overlay. Correction for k7, k12, k13 is included; options for k9, k17, k18, as well as k15, k27, and k39 correction capabilities are available as an add-on for some NSRs.Alignment & Overlay
Zeroing XYPerforms automated periodic machine calibrations and machine-specific grid corrections to further enhance overlay stability.Alignment & Overlay
CDU SimulatorEnhances CD uniformity by providing optimization capabilities that enable the scanner to correct for other process window detractors. Provides high-order dose and focus adjustments to reduce residual CD errors both across the shot and across the wafer.Imaging
Changing Maximum Number of AF SensorsPreviously, 3 columns of AF sensor elements could be arranged when the maximum number of AF sensor elements was 9. This function enables 4 columns with a maximum of 12 elements.Imaging
Chip Focusing on the Partial ShotSupports dividing a single shot down to the chip level, and enables chip-specific focusing and leveling settings. Enables optimal focusing independent of the surface deformation of non-product chips.Imaging
Continuous DOF Expansion Procedure (CDP)Software functions by tilting the wafer along the scanning direction, while continuously moving the wafer stage upward or downward during exposure. Sometimes referred to as “focus drilling”, this method has been shown to increase DOF for contact hole features without impacting throughput.Imaging
Contrast FocusUsed to determine best focus as well as tilts, focus curvature and total focus deviation. Patterns are exposed using varied focus, and the resultant matrix is measured with FIA. Requires the CF reticle to evaluate.Imaging
Customizing Illumination UniformityEnables the user to customize illumination conditions with illumination uniformity shape.Imaging
DOF Expansion Procedure (DP)Exposure is executed by changing the wafer stage position in Z (vertical direction) over a specified range, centered around best focus. This technique, most effective for contact holes, provides a wider DOF compared to using standard fixed focus for stepping systems.Imaging
Dynamic Correction for Each Reticle by Stage Control (DCRS)DCRS is able to compensate for the distortion of the specific production reticle to improve accuracy. DCRS functionality requires the DIMG and DIMARS functions.Imaging
Dynamic Image Plane Correction (DIMG)Enhances imaging by compensating for dynamic image plane Z-axis distortion using 27 (3x9 array) offset correction points.Imaging
Environmental Contamination Prevention Filter OptionsSF140/SF150/SF155 - IU Filter Unit (FU) for Clean Dry Air (CDA), Chemical Filter for Lamp House, Chemical Filter for Outside Air (OA), SA and CATC (Column Air Temperature Control) to minimize the effect of fab contamination.Imaging
Exposure Dose Change for Specific Shot (also known as Shot-by-Shot Exposure Condition Setting)Use this function to compensate for process variation with the flexibility to define exposure parameters (dose/focus/leveling offsets, etc.) for up to 255 individual shots per process program.Imaging
FIA Overdose (FIA-OD) SoftwareThis technique can be used to monitor best focus and total focus deviation. Patterns are exposed with varied dose and focus, and the resultant matrix is measured with FIA. Function requires the OD reticle to evaluate.Imaging
Field Curvature Correction with DIMGEnhances imaging by compensating for dynamic image plane Z-axis distortion using 27 (3x9 array) offset correction points.Imaging
Flare Measurement for Outside Exposure AreaEnables measurement of the amount of flare outside the area being exposed.Imaging
Global LevelingProvides leveling function using standard 1-point AF before exposure. It measures the height of the wafer surface using single-point AF, calculates the amount of inclination, and matches it to the inclination calculated during exposure.Imaging
High Resolution ModeWith modified illumination (Annular)Imaging
Infrared Aberration Control (IAC)Mechanism to correct for non-symmetrical lens heating that can occur when using dipole illumination, thereby avoiding potential astigmatism effects.Imaging
Intelligent Lens Controller (LC)Measures thermal aberrations every few wafers during the lot. Thermal calibration is performed, and scanner parameters are fine-tuned and then used for subsequent lots to minimize thermal aberration effects.Imaging
Laser Spectral E95 Control CymerUsed to monitor/control variation in spectral bandwidth (E95%) to within a certain range. Functions can increase image contrast stability by minimizing bandwidth variation caused by differences in operating frequencies, duty cycles and by individual differences in lasers.Imaging
Laser Spectral E95 Control GigaUsed to monitor/control variation in spectral bandwidth (E95%) to within a certain range. Functions can increase image contrast stability by minimizing bandwidth variation caused by differences in operating frequencies, duty cycles and by individual differences in lasers.Imaging
Lens Flare MeasurementMeasures projection lens flare using the illumination uniformity sensor to directly measure evaluation reticle marks projected on the wafer stage. Function requires the Flare Reticle to evaluate.Imaging
Lens Flare Measurement by AIS SensorMeasures projection lens flare using the AIS system to deliver the enhanced accuracy required for leading-edge scanners.Imaging
Line Filter UnitsFilters the air or N2 line from the facility to the scanner.Imaging
Multiple Exposure Self-Measurement Program (MX-SMP)SMP package allows the user to run and measure the following tests otherwise measured by CD-SEM or ECD: best focus (up to 35 points), focus tilts and curvature, TFD, process and dose monitoring, and ACLV evaluation (following initial calibration to SEM measurements). Use of SMP requires a MX-SMP reticle and LSA option to execute the measurements.Imaging
Multi-point AFReplaces the standard 1-point AF with multi-point AF. Multi-point AF provides a leveling function for each shot.ImagingIncludedIncludedIncludedIncludedIncluded
OPE Optimizer (formerly known as OPE Master)Optimizes imaging parameters to minimize optical proximity error between a reference scanner and the one to be adjusted. OPE Optimizer uses customer test-pattern data and scanner adjustments to provide illumination condition matching for aligning performance across a fleet of scanners.Imaging
Optimized Dose Control (ODC)Improves CD uniformity within the shot by dose correction through the scan. Each shot on the wafer can have a different dose offset and slope. This capability will minimize CD variation caused by processing.Imaging
POLANO – Advanced Polarization ControlAdditional hardware unit that provides enhanced image contrast at ultra-high and hyper numerical apertures delivering maximum process latitude, enhanced DOF and optimum line width roughness.Imaging
Reticle BendingUsed to correct for curved reticles and any residual field curvature, in order to enhance imaging performance.Imaging
Reticle CR-Edge AIS Focus MeasurementEnables AIS focus measurement even using reticles excluding the AIS marks.Imaging
Reticle Peripheral CheckDetects particles between the loaded reticle and the platen of reticle holder in order to avoid defocused wafer exposure. Functionality requires the DIMG function.Imaging
Scanner Enhanced Field Focusing by Focus Mapping (SEFF-M)Maps the shot geometry and applies within shot z-offsets according to the map to enhance imaging performance.Imaging
Stage Performance Tuning Function (SPTF – also known as SPETU)Hardware and software option to improve scanning MSD beyond specified levels and enhance line width uniformity. SPTF enables the user to operate the NSR at the optimum scanning conditions for either the standard mode (max scan speed), or in precision mode (half speed), on a process program-specific basis.Imaging
Weighted FocusingIf there is a large change (such as in surface height) at the extremes of the wafer focusing range, focusing might not be performed optimally. Instead, weighted focusing enables the focusing result to be multiplied by the weight automatically calculated by the NSR to enhance focusing accuracy despite large changes.Imaging
Zeroing AFPerforms automated periodic machine calibration that enhance scanner stability with machine-specific autofocus (AF) corrections.Imaging
Zeroing DISAutomated function to enhance scanner stability.Imaging
Automatic Reticle AssignmentUsing the barcode reader, software automatically registers the reticle name in the RLAT (Reticle Library Assignment Table) once the reticle cases are inserted in the library. This functionality is included with the SMIF.Productivity & Efficiency
Dynamic Job Sequence (DJS)Essentially enables processing of multiple “sub” jobs as a single JOB. Using a DJS recipe, the execution order of “sub” jobs in the DJS JOB, as well as individual “sub” job parameters can be specified. When a DJS JOB is loaded after a DJS recipe has been specified, multiple “sub” jobs are loaded/executed both automatically and dynamically.Productivity & Efficiency
Extended Exposure Logfile Analysis FunctionUsing this software option, shots where synchronization accuracy, focus control residual errors, or dose errors exceed user-defined limits, are listed along with the reason they flagged. Function can be used to analyze and investigate exposure performance data for each lot.Productivity & Efficiency
Facilities Connection Box (FCB)FCB unit houses and converts the various facilities connections coming in from the customer and going out to the NSR, thereby streamlining the facilities connections requirements. Productivity & Efficiency
FILES CommandProvides a simple methodology for fast and accurate file transfer across NSRs within the fab. Software function incorporates user-friendly menus enabling easy and accurate file transfer across the fab. Also includes verification tasks.Productivity & Efficiency
High Throughput Mode (HTM)High throughput mode options for the S322F and S220D with productivity enhancements to best satisfy fab-specific objectives.Productivity & Efficiency
Individual Focus Correction Control Throughput ModeWhen different focus correction values are used in exposure of each shot (according to focus correction value IDs set in the recipe), the focus position is corrected electrically using the PSD signals. Reduces time required for focus position correction and enhances productivity.Productivity & Efficiency
Job CascadeImproves productivity by optimizing lot-to-lot overhead time. With Cascading software, first wafer change and reticle preparation for exposure Job 2 is able to occur prior to completion of exposure Job 1. Simultaneous activities significantly reduce time between Jobs.Productivity & Efficiency
Linked LithoTransfers wafer information such as substrate ID, between the track and the NSR at the time of wafer transfer. Manage wafer processing using a substrate ID shared by the track and the NSR, monitor the entire production process combining substrate location on the track and the NSR, etc.Productivity & Efficiency
Multi-Dose Control (MDC)Software function provides a means for the user to engage enhanced dose control functions (such as Exposure Dose Change for Specific Shot) with minimal throughput implications, using stream-lined dose check sequence.Productivity & Efficiency
Multi-Dose Control Scan Speed UniformityImproves the total throughput by keeping a constant scan speed in multi-dose exposure.Productivity & Efficiency
Pellicle Particle Detector (PPD)This function detects particles on pellicles. Automation & System Management• Only 6"
Quick Reticle Change (QRC)Enables quick exchange of two reticles for double exposure applications without removing the wafer from the stage.Productivity & Efficiency• (software only)
Reticle Particle Check Using Reference MapReticle particle check results are compared against the previously created reference map, and only new particles are judged. This smarter detection will reduce assist frequency and associated corrective measures.Productivity & Efficiency
SMP – Self Measurement ProcessUses HMF reticle for wafer exposure and then focus plane metrology is performed by the NSR using the LSA system.Productivity & Efficiency
Substitute Mark Search AlignmentWith this software function enabled, if search mark detection is unsuccessful using the standard mark, search alignment will automatically be measured again with the pre-defined substitute search mark.Productivity & Efficiency
Wafer Holder Particle Check by ScanningEnhances fab productivity and efficiency by providing a stream-lined method to identify wafer holder particles and their locations.Productivity & Efficiency
Wafer Loader Cycle Time EnhancementWafer loader cycle time can be increased to enhance throughput capabilities up to 10% from 200 WPH to 220 WPH* with this upgrade. (*Actual throughput dependent on exposure conditions). Productivity & Efficiency
APC CommunicationCorrection value is calculated for each wafer (as compared to each lot), and instructions are sent to the NSR via the Machine Controller, which is located between the NSR and a host computer.Automation & System Management
Automatic Reticle TransportUsing RPMS, when controlling the reticle or POD, after transporting the POD to the load port, the reticle first requires ID check and MAP check before it can be used. This function performs those tasks automatically. GEM300 related.Automation & System Management
Data Acquisition System (DAS)System acquires machine information for leading-edge NSR systems that adheres to the EDA (Interface A) standards within the SEMI standards.Automation & System Management
Exposure Recipe Specification at Reticle TransferWhen a reticle transfer command (Transfer Reticle or EXAMINE) is executed, NSR automatically reads the conditions required for particle check or ID check within exposure recipe (sent by the Host or operator) and performs according to the conditions. Minimizes entry errors and loading on host systems.Automation & System Management
Extended Reticle LibraryHardware option to extend the reticle library to enable storage for additional reticles, thereby minimizing their exposure to fab environment. Each Stepper Extended Reticle Library supports an additional 10 reticles, whereas a Scanner Extended Reticle Library supports an additional 12 reticles. Not applicable with use of SMIF POD.Automation & System Management
Extended Wafer CarrierFor systems where the local carrier open wafer cassette is standard configuration and 200 mm left or right in-line is used: The system will come with one wafer carrier table standard and there is the option for an additional wafer carrier table. However, 200 mm front in-line and all 300 mm configurations support only one wafer carrier table.Automation & System Management
Front Opening Unified POD (FOUP) OpenerMechanical interface attached to the exposure tool that opens the FOUP and allows for wafers to be loaded and unloaded directly into the machine. Used for maintenance purposes only – customer wafers should be loaded through the coater/developer track.Automation & System Management
GEM Online Control System (GOCS)Communication control software layered on the NSR/MCSV machine software that allows NSR system operation to be automated and controlled by customer-developed host control system. NSR/GOCS supports SEMI E4 (SECS-I), SEMI E5 (SECS-II), SEMI E30 (GEM), and SEMI E37 (HSMS) specifications.Automation & System Management
GEM300: Carrier Management Service (CMS) Function - E87Supports SEMI E87 for GEM300 operations. CMS provides compliance for the reject carrier. Reject carrier is provided to unload abnormally processed wafers from the equipment, and has unique characteristics to perform its functions.Automation & System Management
GEM300: Process Job Management (PJM) Function - E40Supports SEMI E40 for GEM300 operations. PJM is concerned with the processing of materials (wafers), by the processing resource (NSR). Principle function is to ensure material delivered to the processing resource is processed with the correct recipe. Function enhances fab efficiency by reducing unnecessary rework due to erroneous processing. PJM functionality is supported by Job Cascade option.Automation & System Management
GEM300: Reticle and POD Management (RPMS) Function - E109Supports SEMI E109 for GEM300 operations. Describes the tracking function for the reticle’s state, or transportation state within the NSR. NSR is able to collect each reticle’s state using this service, and states are controlled using the Reticle State Model and the Reticle Location State Model.Automation & System Management
GEM300: Specification for Substrate Tracking (STS) Function - E90Supports SEMI E90 for GEM300 operations. STS provides information on wafer’s processing state, or transportation state within the NSR. NSR can collect each wafer’s state using this service, and states are controlled using the Substrate Tracking State Model and/or the Substrate Location State Model.Automation & System Management
Inline Reject SignalWhen transporting rejected wafers from the NSR to the coater/developer track, this function adds a signal to the communication between the tools to indicate that the wafer is rejected, distinguishing it from properly exposed wafers.Automation & System Management
Inline Support (Left/Right)Automation & System Management
Nikon NEST SystemsNikon offers several NEST systems to support a variety of NSR steppers and scanners. NEST is a Windows-based system that incorporates a variety of new functions and capabilities.Automation & System Management
Online Control Software OCSVOptimizes fab efficiency by controlling MCSV-based NSRs’ operation via communication with the customer’s host computer.Automation & System Management
Online Control Software OCSWOptimizes fab efficiency by controlling NSR operation via communication with the customer’s host computer. OCSW software provides GEM300 functionalities as follows: PJM, STS, CMS and RPMS. Only applicable to NSRs using MCSW main software.Automation & System Management
Online InterfaceCommunication interface between the host system that manages the customer's equipment and the NSR in support of SEMI communication standard GEM.Automation & System Management
Parameter Manager (PM)Used for NSR recipe file and system parameter maintenance. Also serves as the control system for the CDU Simulator function.Automation & System Management
Particle Check Auto Assist Function (Requires SEMI E109 -RPMS)If an operator assist occurs at result judgment during Loading Check/Unloading Check, function will automatically perform assist processing according to system parameter settings. GEM300 related.Automation & System Management
Process Program Distribution System X (PPDSX)Recipe management system for MCS2, MCSV, and MCSW Nikon steppers and scanners up to SF15x and Sx10 model types, which makes it quick and easy to create and edit recipes outside of the cleanroom with operations like those performed at the NSR itself. Powerful Windows Server® 2012-based standalone system.Automation & System Management
Recipe Parameter Tool (RPT)Can be added on to PPDSX - RPT can compare critical recipe settings for MCS2, MCSV, and MCSW systems, and readily highlight potential issues.Automation & System Management
Remote Control Station (RCS) Link 2GImitates normal NSR operation, enabling operation of the main NSR control panel from a remote location. Can perform: MCSW operations (exposure, parameter setup, etc.), Error Handling and Manual Assist, and NSR Reset. RCS-Link 2G System utilizes a remote PC terminal enabling operation of up to 100 applicable NSR systems. Customer must purchase connection license and safety hardware for each NSR communicating with the RCS. Automation & System Management
Reticle Barcode Reading OptionsVariety of solutions offered to enable the barcode reader to accommodate diverse customer reticles to enhance fab flexibility. Please request information for specific model type of interest.Automation & System Management

Reticle Type Platen Cleaner

A wireless platen cleaner that can be automatically transferred onto the platen. Manual platen cleaning can be time-consuming. The automatically transferred platen cleaner system reduces cleaning time and improves NSR availability. Productivity & Efficiency
SMIFSMIF ports are installed in place of the reticle library as an interface for reticle transport. Single POD (1 slot) and Multi POD types (6 slot) are available. E109 must be implemented.Automation & System Management
SMIF POD Tag ReaderReading and collation of the POD ID information is performed automatically by the SMIF Tag Reader. Tag Reader options include: Omron with Omron Read/Write, TIRIS with Omron Read/Write, TIRIS with ASYST Read/Write.Automation & System Management
Sub-Recipe File ManagementTo avoid incorrect wafer processing, function prevents use of sub recipes on non-applicable NSRs. Also verifies appropriate file version is being used.Automation & System Management
Sub-Recipe File TransferEnables transfer of external exposure condition files in the same way as the upload/download function of the recipes.Automation & System Management
Task SchedulerAutomatically executes various calibrations, as well as system and laser status checks, according to predetermined schedule. Tasks include AF Sensor Plane Calibration, Illumination Uniformity Calibration, and Automatic Gas Refill, etc.Automation & System Management
Thick WaferPlease request information for wafer specificationsAutomation & System Management
Wafer Size ExchangeAutomation & System Management
Transparent WaferAutomation & System Management
Thin WaferPlease request information for wafer specificationsAutomation & System Management
Wafer Forced UnloadUsed to unload wafers that remain inside the NSR to the track after shutting down and rebooting the track.Automation & System Management
Wafer Table Automatic Cleaner SystemEnables wafer holder to be cleaned without having to be removed. Compared to manual cleaning, enables significantly quicker cleaning. Various solutions are available.Automation & System Management
Warped WaferPlease request information for wafer specificationsAutomation & System Management