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Options, Upgrades and Modifications

Stepper and Scanner Options, Upgrades and Modifications

At Nikon, we understand that while fab requirements are very dynamic, there is also a constant focus on optimizing performance and cost reduction. Therefore, we are pleased to offer a wide variety of stepper and scanner options, upgrades and modifications to enhance system performance and productivity. We offer numerous hardware modifications (including reticle and wafer size conversions, as well as conversions for LED manufacturing) to accommodate shifting manufacturing requirements. Nikon also makes competitively priced new and used stepper and scanner replacement components available to reduce costs for our customers.

Stepper/scanner options and modifications

At Nikon, we understand that while fab requirements are very dynamic, there is also a constant focus on optimizing performance and cost reduction. Therefore, we are pleased to offer a wide variety of stepper and scanner options, upgrades and modifications to enhance system performance and productivity. We offer numerous hardware modifications (including reticle and wafer size conversions, as well as conversions for LED manufacturing) to accommodate shifting manufacturing requirements. Nikon also makes competitively priced new and used stepper and scanner replacement components available to reduce costs for our customers.

Options and Upgrades

View the suite of options designed to enhance the performance and productivity of NSR steppers and scanners.

Modifications and Components

Learn about hardware modifications and new/used replacement components to extend system capabilities.